
class telegram.ext.BasePersistence(store_user_data=True, store_chat_data=True, store_bot_data=True)

Bases: abc.ABC

Interface class for adding persistence to your bot. Subclass this object for different implementations of a persistent bot.

All relevant methods must be overwritten. This means:


Optional, Whether user_data should be saved by this persistence class.


Optional. Whether chat_data should be saved by this persistence class.


Optional. Whether bot_data should be saved by this persistence class.

  • store_user_data (bool, optional) – Whether user_data should be saved by this persistence class. Default is True.
  • store_chat_data (bool, optional) – Whether chat_data should be saved by this persistence class. Default is True .
  • store_bot_data (bool, optional) – Whether bot_data should be saved by this persistence class. Default is True .

Will be called by telegram.ext.Updater upon receiving a stop signal. Gives the persistence a chance to finish up saving or close a database connection gracefully. If this is not of any importance just pass will be sufficient.


“Will be called by telegram.ext.Dispatcher upon creation with a persistence object. It should return the bot_data if stored, or an empty dict.

Returns:The restored bot data.
Return type:defaultdict

“Will be called by telegram.ext.Dispatcher upon creation with a persistence object. It should return the chat_data if stored, or an empty defaultdict(dict).

Returns:The restored chat data.
Return type:defaultdict

“Will be called by telegram.ext.Dispatcher when a telegram.ext.ConversationHandler is added if telegram.ext.ConversationHandler.persistent is True. It should return the conversations for the handler with name or an empty dict

Parameters:name (str) – The handlers name.
Returns:The restored conversations for the handler.
Return type:dict

“Will be called by telegram.ext.Dispatcher upon creation with a persistence object. It should return the user_data if stored, or an empty defaultdict(dict).

Returns:The restored user data.
Return type:defaultdict

Will be called by the telegram.ext.Dispatcher after a handler has handled an update.

Parameters:data (dict) – The telegram.ext.dispatcher.bot_data .
update_chat_data(chat_id, data)

Will be called by the telegram.ext.Dispatcher after a handler has handled an update.

  • chat_id (int) – The chat the data might have been changed for.
  • data (dict) – The telegram.ext.dispatcher.chat_data [chat_id].
update_conversation(name, key, new_state)

Will be called when a telegram.ext.ConversationHandler.update_state is called. this allows the storeage of the new state in the persistence.

  • name (str) – The handlers name.
  • key (tuple) – The key the state is changed for.
  • new_state (tuple | any) – The new state for the given key.
update_user_data(user_id, data)

Will be called by the telegram.ext.Dispatcher after a handler has handled an update.

  • user_id (int) – The user the data might have been changed for.
  • data (dict) – The telegram.ext.dispatcher.user_data [user_id].