
class telegram.ext.JobQueue[source]

Bases: typing.Generic

This class allows you to periodically perform tasks with the bot. It is a convenience wrapper for the APScheduler library.

This class is a Generic class and accepts one type variable that specifies the type of the argument context of the job callbacks (callback) of run_once() and the other scheduling methods.


If you want to use this class, you must install PTB with the optional requirement job-queue, i.e.

pip install "python-telegram-bot[job-queue]"


Timer Bot

Changed in version 20.0: To use this class, PTB must be installed via pip install "python-telegram-bot[job-queue]".


The scheduler.


This scheduler is configured by set_application(). Additional configuration settings can be made by users. However, calling configure() will delete any previous configuration settings. Therefore, please make sure to pass the values returned by scheduler_configuration to the method call in addition to your custom values. Alternatively, you can also use methods like add_jobstore() to avoid using configure() altogether.

Changed in version 20.0: Uses AsyncIOScheduler instead of BackgroundScheduler




Give a string representation of the JobQueue in the form JobQueue[application=...].

As this class doesn’t implement object.__str__(), the default implementation will be used, which is equivalent to __repr__().



property application[source]

The application this JobQueue is associated with.


Returns a tuple of all scheduled jobs with the given name that are currently in the JobQueue.


This method is a convenience wrapper for jobs() with a pattern that matches the given name.


Tuple of all scheduled jobs matching the name.

Return type:


async static job_callback(job_queue, job)[source]

This method is used as a callback for the APScheduler jobs.

More precisely, the func argument of apscheduler.job.Job is set to this method and the arg argument (representing positional arguments to func) is set to a tuple containing the JobQueue itself and the Job instance.


This method is a static method rather than a bound method. This makes the arguments more transparent and allows for easier handling of PTBs integration of APScheduler when utilizing advanced features of APScheduler.


This method is effectively a wrapper for

Added in version 20.4.


Returns a tuple of all scheduled jobs that are currently in the JobQueue.


pattern (str | re.Pattern, optional) –

A regular expression pattern. If passed, only jobs whose name matches the pattern will be returned. Defaults to None.


This uses and not re.match().

Added in version 21.10.


Tuple of all scheduled jobs.

Return type:


run_custom(callback, job_kwargs, data=None, name=None, chat_id=None, user_id=None)[source]

Creates a new custom defined Job.

  • callback (coroutine function) –

    The callback function that should be executed by the new job. Callback signature:

    async def callback(context: CallbackContext)

  • job_kwargs (dict) – Arbitrary keyword arguments. Used as arguments for apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.add_job().

  • data (object, optional) –

    Additional data needed for the callback function. Can be accessed through in the callback. Defaults to None.

    Changed in version 20.0: Renamed the parameter context to data.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the new job. Defaults to callback.__name__.

  • chat_id (int, optional) –

    Chat id of the chat associated with this job. If passed, the corresponding chat_data will be available in the callback.

    Added in version 20.0.

  • user_id (int, optional) –

    User id of the user associated with this job. If passed, the corresponding user_data will be available in the callback.

    Added in version 20.0.


The new Job instance that has been added to the job queue.

Return type:


run_daily(callback, time, days=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), data=None, name=None, chat_id=None, user_id=None, job_kwargs=None)[source]

Creates a new Job that runs on a daily basis and adds it to the queue.


For a note about DST, please see the documentation of APScheduler.

  • callback (coroutine function) –

    The callback function that should be executed by the new job. Callback signature:

    async def callback(context: CallbackContext)

  • time (datetime.time) – Time of day at which the job should run. If the timezone (datetime.time.tzinfo) is None, the default timezone of the bot will be used, which is UTC unless telegram.ext.Defaults.tzinfo is used.

  • days (tuple[int], optional) –

    Defines on which days of the week the job should run (where 0-6 correspond to sunday - saturday). By default, the job will run every day.

    Changed in version 20.0: Changed day of the week mapping of 0-6 from monday-sunday to sunday-saturday.

  • data (object, optional) –

    Additional data needed for the callback function. Can be accessed through in the callback. Defaults to None.

    Changed in version 20.0: Renamed the parameter context to data.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the new job. Defaults to callback.__name__.

  • chat_id (int, optional) –

    Chat id of the chat associated with this job. If passed, the corresponding chat_data will be available in the callback.

    Added in version 20.0.

  • user_id (int, optional) –

    User id of the user associated with this job. If passed, the corresponding user_data will be available in the callback.

    Added in version 20.0.

  • job_kwargs (dict, optional) – Arbitrary keyword arguments to pass to the apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.add_job().


The new Job instance that has been added to the job queue.

Return type:


run_monthly(callback, when, day, data=None, name=None, chat_id=None, user_id=None, job_kwargs=None)[source]

Creates a new Job that runs on a monthly basis and adds it to the queue.

Changed in version 20.0: The day_is_strict argument was removed. Instead one can now pass -1 to the day parameter to have the job run on the last day of the month.

  • callback (coroutine function) –

    The callback function that should be executed by the new job. Callback signature:

    async def callback(context: CallbackContext)

  • when (datetime.time) – Time of day at which the job should run. If the timezone (when.tzinfo) is None, the default timezone of the bot will be used, which is UTC unless telegram.ext.Defaults.tzinfo is used.

  • day (int) – Defines the day of the month whereby the job would run. It should be within the range of 1 and 31, inclusive. If a month has fewer days than this number, the job will not run in this month. Passing -1 leads to the job running on the last day of the month.

  • data (object, optional) –

    Additional data needed for the callback function. Can be accessed through in the callback. Defaults to None.

    Changed in version 20.0: Renamed the parameter context to data.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the new job. Defaults to callback.__name__.

  • chat_id (int, optional) –

    Chat id of the chat associated with this job. If passed, the corresponding chat_data will be available in the callback.

    Added in version 20.0.

  • user_id (int, optional) –

    User id of the user associated with this job. If passed, the corresponding user_data will be available in the callback.

    Added in version 20.0.

  • job_kwargs (dict, optional) – Arbitrary keyword arguments to pass to the apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.add_job().


The new Job instance that has been added to the job queue.

Return type:


run_once(callback, when, data=None, name=None, chat_id=None, user_id=None, job_kwargs=None)[source]

Creates a new Job instance that runs once and adds it to the queue.


The new Job instance that has been added to the job queue.

Return type:


run_repeating(callback, interval, first=None, last=None, data=None, name=None, chat_id=None, user_id=None, job_kwargs=None)[source]

Creates a new Job instance that runs at specified intervals and adds it to the queue.


For a note about DST, please see the documentation of APScheduler.


The new Job instance that has been added to the job queue.

Return type:


property scheduler_configuration[source]

Provides configuration values that are used by JobQueue for scheduler.


Since calling scheduler.configure() deletes any previous setting, please make sure to pass these values to the method call in addition to your custom values:

scheduler.configure(..., **job_queue.scheduler_configuration)

Alternatively, you can also use methods like add_jobstore() to avoid using configure() altogether.

Added in version 20.7.


The configuration values as dictionary.

Return type:

dict[str, object]


Set the application to be used by this JobQueue.


application (telegram.ext.Application) – The application.

async start()[source]

Starts the JobQueue.

async stop(wait=True)[source]

Shuts down the JobQueue.


wait (bool, optional) – Whether to wait until all currently running jobs have finished. Defaults to True.