filters Module

This module contains filters for use with telegram.ext.MessageHandler, telegram.ext.CommandHandler, or telegram.ext.PrefixHandler.

Changed in version 20.0:

  1. Filters are no longer callable, if you’re using a custom filter and are calling an existing filter, then switch to the new syntax: filters.{filter}.check_update(update).

  2. Removed the Filters class. The filters are now directly attributes/classes of the filters module.

  3. The names of all filters has been updated:

    • Filter classes which are ready for use, e.g Filters.all are now capitalized, e.g filters.ALL.

    • Filters which need to be initialized are now in CamelCase. E.g. filters.User(...).

    • Filters which do both (like Filters.text) are now split as ready-to-use version filters.TEXT and class version filters.Text(...).

telegram.ext.filters.ALL = filters.ALL[source]

All Messages.

telegram.ext.filters.ANIMATION = filters.ANIMATION[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.animation.

telegram.ext.filters.ATTACHMENT = filters.ATTACHMENT[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.effective_attachment().

Added in version 13.6.

telegram.ext.filters.AUDIO = filters.AUDIO[source]

Messages that contain

telegram.ext.filters.BOOST_ADDED = filters.BOOST_ADDED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.boost_added.

telegram.ext.filters.CAPTION = filters.CAPTION[source]

Shortcut for telegram.ext.filters.Caption().


To allow any caption, simply use MessageHandler(filters.CAPTION, callback_method).

telegram.ext.filters.CHAT = filters.CHAT[source]

This filter filters any message that has a

Deprecated since version 20.8: This filter has no effect since is always present.

telegram.ext.filters.COMMAND = filters.COMMAND[source]

Shortcut for telegram.ext.filters.Command().


To allow messages starting with a command use MessageHandler(filters.COMMAND, command_at_start_callback).

telegram.ext.filters.CONTACT = filters.CONTACT[source]

Messages that contain

telegram.ext.filters.EFFECT_ID = filters.EFFECT_ID[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.effect_id.

Added in version 21.3.

telegram.ext.filters.FORWARDED = filters.FORWARDED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.forward_origin.

Changed in version 20.8: Now based on telegram.Message.forward_origin instead of telegram.Message.forward_date.

telegram.ext.filters.GAME = filters.GAME[source]

Messages that contain

telegram.ext.filters.GIVEAWAY = filters.GIVEAWAY[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.giveaway.

telegram.ext.filters.GIVEAWAY_WINNERS = filters.GIVEAWAY_WINNERS[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.giveaway_winners.

telegram.ext.filters.HAS_MEDIA_SPOILER = filters.HAS_MEDIA_SPOILER[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.has_media_spoiler.

Added in version 20.0.

telegram.ext.filters.HAS_PROTECTED_CONTENT = filters.HAS_PROTECTED_CONTENT[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.has_protected_content.

Added in version 13.9.

telegram.ext.filters.INVOICE = filters.INVOICE[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.invoice.

telegram.ext.filters.IS_AUTOMATIC_FORWARD = filters.IS_AUTOMATIC_FORWARD[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.is_automatic_forward.

Added in version 13.9.

telegram.ext.filters.IS_FROM_OFFLINE = filters.IS_FROM_OFFLINE[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.is_from_offline.

Added in version 21.1.

telegram.ext.filters.IS_TOPIC_MESSAGE = filters.IS_TOPIC_MESSAGE[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.is_topic_message.

Added in version 20.0.

telegram.ext.filters.LOCATION = filters.LOCATION[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.location.

telegram.ext.filters.PAID_MEDIA = filters.PAID_MEDIA[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.paid_media.

Added in version 21.4.

telegram.ext.filters.PASSPORT_DATA = filters.PASSPORT_DATA[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.passport_data.

telegram.ext.filters.PHOTO = filters.PHOTO[source]

Messages that contain

telegram.ext.filters.POLL = filters.POLL[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.poll.

telegram.ext.filters.PREMIUM_USER = filters.PREMIUM_USER[source]

This filter filters any message from a Telegram Premium user as telegram.Update.effective_user.

Added in version 20.0.

telegram.ext.filters.REPLY = filters.REPLY[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.reply_to_message.

telegram.ext.filters.REPLY_TO_STORY = filters.REPLY_TO_STORY[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.reply_to_story.

telegram.ext.filters.SENDER_BOOST_COUNT = filters.SENDER_BOOST_COUNT[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.sender_boost_count.

telegram.ext.filters.STORY = filters.STORY[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.story.

Added in version 20.5.

telegram.ext.filters.SUCCESSFUL_PAYMENT = filters.SUCCESSFUL_PAYMENT[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.successful_payment.

telegram.ext.filters.TEXT = filters.TEXT[source]

Shortcut for telegram.ext.filters.Text().


To allow any text message, simply use MessageHandler(filters.TEXT, callback_method).

telegram.ext.filters.USER = filters.USER[source]

This filter filters any message that has a telegram.Message.from_user.

telegram.ext.filters.USER_ATTACHMENT = filters.USER_ATTACHMENT[source]

This filter filters any message that have a user who added the bot to their attachment menu as telegram.Update.effective_user.

Added in version 20.0.

telegram.ext.filters.VENUE = filters.VENUE[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.venue.

telegram.ext.filters.VIA_BOT = filters.VIA_BOT[source]

This filter filters for message that were sent via any bot.

See also


telegram.ext.filters.VIDEO = filters.VIDEO[source]

Messages that contain

telegram.ext.filters.VIDEO_NOTE = filters.VIDEO_NOTE[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.video_note.

telegram.ext.filters.VOICE = filters.VOICE[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.voice.

class telegram.ext.filters.BaseFilter(name=None, data_filter=False)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for all Filters.

Filters subclassing from this class can combined using bitwise operators:


filters.TEXT & filters.Entity(MENTION)


filters.AUDIO | filters.VIDEO

Exclusive Or:

filters.Regex('To Be') ^ filters.Regex('Not 2B')


~ filters.COMMAND

Also works with more than two filters:

filters.TEXT & (filters.Entity("url") | filters.Entity("text_link"))
filters.TEXT & (~ filters.FORWARDED)


Filters use the same short circuiting logic as python’s and, or and not. This means that for example:

filters.Regex(r'(a?x)') | filters.Regex(r'(b?x)')

With message.text == 'x', will only ever return the matches for the first filter, since the second one is never evaluated.

If you want to create your own filters create a class inheriting from either MessageFilter or UpdateFilter and implement a filter() method that returns a boolean: True if the message should be handled, False otherwise. Note that the filters work only as class instances, not actual class objects (so remember to initialize your filter classes).

By default, the filters name (what will get printed when converted to a string for display) will be the class name. If you want to overwrite this assign a better name to the name class variable.

Added in version 20.0: Added the arguments name and data_filter.

  • name (str) – Name for this filter. Defaults to the type of filter.

  • data_filter (bool) – Whether this filter is a data filter. A data filter should return a dict with lists. The dict will be merged with telegram.ext.CallbackContext’s internal dict in most cases (depends on the handler).


Defines AND bitwise operator for BaseFilter object. The combined filter accepts an update only if it is accepted by both filters. For example, filters.PHOTO & filters.CAPTION will only accept messages that contain both a photo and a caption.




Defines OR bitwise operator for BaseFilter object. The combined filter accepts an update only if it is accepted by any of the filters. For example, filters.PHOTO | filters.CAPTION will only accept messages that contain photo or caption or both.




Defines XOR bitwise operator for BaseFilter object. The combined filter accepts an update only if it is accepted by any of the filters and not both of them. For example, filters.PHOTO ^ filters.CAPTION will only accept messages that contain photo or caption, not both of them.




Defines NOT bitwise operator for BaseFilter object. The combined filter accepts an update only if it is accepted by any of the filters. For example, ~ filters.PHOTO will only accept messages that do not contain photo.




Gives name for this filter.

See also


Return type:


property data_filter[source]

Whether this filter is a data filter.



property name[source]

Name for this filter.




Checks if the specified update should be handled by this filter.

Changed in version 21.1: This filter now also returns True if the update contains business_message or edited_business_message.


update (telegram.Update) – The update to check.


True if the update contains one of channel_post, message, edited_channel_post, edited_message, telegram.Update.business_message, telegram.Update.edited_business_message, or False otherwise.

Return type:


class telegram.ext.filters.Caption(strings=None)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Messages with a caption. If a list of strings is passed, it filters messages to only allow those whose caption is appearing in the given list.


MessageHandler(filters.Caption(['PTB rocks!', 'PTB']), callback_method_2)


strings (List[str] | Tuple[str], optional) – Which captions to allow. Only exact matches are allowed. If not specified, will allow any message with a caption.

class telegram.ext.filters.CaptionEntity(entity_type)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters media messages to only allow those which have a telegram.MessageEntity where their type matches entity_type.


MessageHandler(filters.CaptionEntity("hashtag"), callback_method)


entity_type (str) – Caption Entity type to check for. All types can be found as constants in telegram.MessageEntity.

class telegram.ext.filters.CaptionRegex(pattern)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters updates by searching for an occurrence of pattern in the message caption.

This filter works similarly to Regex, with the only exception being that it applies to the message caption instead of the text.


Use MessageHandler(filters.PHOTO & filters.CaptionRegex(r'help'), callback) to capture all photos with caption containing the word ‘help’.


This filter will not work on simple text messages, but only on media with caption.


pattern (str | re.Pattern) – The regex pattern.

class telegram.ext.filters.Chat(chat_id=None, username=None, allow_empty=False)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters messages to allow only those which are from a specified chat ID or username.


MessageHandler(filters.Chat(-1234), callback_method)


chat_ids will give a copy of the saved chat ids as frozenset. This is to ensure thread safety. To add/remove a chat, you should use add_chat_ids(), and remove_chat_ids(). Only update the entire set by filter.chat_ids = new_set, if you are entirely sure that it is not causing race conditions, as this will complete replace the current set of allowed chats.

  • chat_id (int | Collection[int], optional) – Which chat ID(s) to allow through.

  • username (str | Collection[str], optional) – Which username(s) to allow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

  • allow_empty (bool, optional) – Whether updates should be processed, if no chat is specified in chat_ids and usernames. Defaults to False.


Which chat ID(s) to allow through.




Whether updates should be processed, if no chat is specified in chat_ids and usernames.




RuntimeError – If chat_id and username are both present.


Add one or more chats to the allowed chat ids.


chat_id (int | Collection[int]) – Which chat ID(s) to allow through.


Remove one or more chats from allowed chat ids.


chat_id (int | Collection[int]) – Which chat ID(s) to disallow through.


Add one or more chats to the allowed usernames.


username (str | Collection[str]) – Which username(s) to allow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

property name[source]

Name for this filter.




Remove one or more chats from allowed usernames.


username (str | Collection[str]) – Which username(s) to disallow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

property usernames[source]

Which username(s) to allow through.


usernames will give a copy of the saved usernames as frozenset. This is to ensure thread safety. To add/remove a user, you should use add_usernames(), and remove_usernames(). Only update the entire set by filter.usernames = new_set, if you are entirely sure that it is not causing race conditions, as this will complete replace the current set of allowed users.



class telegram.ext.filters.ChatType[source]

Bases: object

Subset for filtering the type of chat.


Use these filters like: filters.ChatType.CHANNEL or filters.ChatType.SUPERGROUP etc.


filters.ChatType itself is not a filter, but just a convenience namespace.

CHANNEL = filters.ChatType.CHANNEL[source]

Updates from channel.

GROUP = filters.ChatType.GROUP[source]

Updates from group.

GROUPS = filters.ChatType.GROUPS[source]

Update from group or supergroup.

PRIVATE = filters.ChatType.PRIVATE[source]

Update from private chats.

SUPERGROUP = filters.ChatType.SUPERGROUP[source]

Updates from supergroup.

class telegram.ext.filters.Command(only_start=True)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Messages with a telegram.MessageEntity.BOT_COMMAND. By default, only allows messages starting with a bot command. Pass False to also allow messages that contain a bot command anywhere in the text.


MessageHandler(filters.Command(False), command_anywhere_callback)


telegram.ext.filters.TEXT also accepts messages containing a command.


only_start (bool, optional) – Whether to only allow messages that start with a bot command. Defaults to True.

class telegram.ext.filters.Dice(values=None, emoji=None)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Dice Messages. If an integer or a list of integers is passed, it filters messages to only allow those whose dice value is appearing in the given list.

Added in version 13.4.


To allow any dice message, simply use MessageHandler(filters.Dice.ALL, callback_method).

To allow any dice message, but with value 3 or 4, use MessageHandler(filters.Dice([3, 4]), callback_method)

To allow only dice messages with the emoji 🎲, but any value, use MessageHandler(filters.Dice.DICE, callback_method).

To allow only dice messages with the emoji 🎯 and with value 6, use MessageHandler(filters.Dice.Darts(6), callback_method).

To allow only dice messages with the emoji ⚽ and with value 5 or 6, use MessageHandler(filters.Dice.Football([5, 6]), callback_method).


Dice messages don’t have text. If you want to filter either text or dice messages, use filters.TEXT | filters.Dice.ALL.


values (int | Collection[int], optional) – Which values to allow. If not specified, will allow the specified dice message.

ALL = filters.Dice.ALL[source]

Dice messages with any value and any emoji.

class Basketball(values)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Dice messages with the emoji 🏀. Supports passing a list of integers.


values (int | Collection[int]) – Which values to allow.

BASKETBALL = filters.Dice.BASKETBALL[source]

Dice messages with the emoji 🏀. Matches any dice value.

class Bowling(values)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Dice messages with the emoji 🎳. Supports passing a list of integers.


values (int | Collection[int]) – Which values to allow.

BOWLING = filters.Dice.BOWLING[source]

Dice messages with the emoji 🎳. Matches any dice value.

class Darts(values)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Dice messages with the emoji 🎯. Supports passing a list of integers.


values (int | Collection[int]) – Which values to allow.

DARTS = filters.Dice.DARTS[source]

Dice messages with the emoji 🎯. Matches any dice value.

class Dice(values)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Dice messages with the emoji 🎲. Supports passing a list of integers.


values (int | Collection[int]) – Which values to allow.

DICE = filters.Dice.DICE[source]

Dice messages with the emoji 🎲. Matches any dice value.

class Football(values)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Dice messages with the emoji ⚽. Supports passing a list of integers.


values (int | Collection[int]) – Which values to allow.

FOOTBALL = filters.Dice.FOOTBALL[source]

Dice messages with the emoji ⚽. Matches any dice value.

class SlotMachine(values)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Dice messages with the emoji 🎰. Supports passing a list of integers.


values (int | Collection[int]) – Which values to allow.

SLOT_MACHINE = filters.Dice.SLOT_MACHINE[source]

Dice messages with the emoji 🎰. Matches any dice value.

class telegram.ext.filters.Document[source]

Bases: object

Subset for messages containing a document/file.


Use these filters like: filters.Document.MP3, filters.Document.MimeType("text/plain") etc. Or just use filters.Document.ALL for all document messages.


filters.Document itself is not a filter, but just a convenience namespace.

ALL = filters.Document.ALL[source]

Messages that contain a telegram.Message.document.

class Category(category)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters documents by their category in the mime-type attribute.


category (str) – Category of the media you want to filter.


filters.Document.Category('audio/') returns True for all types of audio sent as a file, for example 'audio/mpeg' or 'audio/x-wav'.


This Filter only filters by the mime_type of the document, it doesn’t check the validity of the document. The user can manipulate the mime-type of a message and send media with wrong types that don’t fit to this handler.

APPLICATION = filters.Document.Category('application/')[source]

Use as filters.Document.APPLICATION.

AUDIO = filters.Document.Category('audio/')[source]

Use as filters.Document.AUDIO.

IMAGE = filters.Document.Category('image/')[source]

Use as filters.Document.IMAGE.

VIDEO = filters.Document.Category('video/')[source]

Use as filters.Document.VIDEO.

TEXT = filters.Document.Category('text/')[source]

Use as filters.Document.TEXT.

class FileExtension(file_extension, case_sensitive=False)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

This filter filters documents by their file ending/extension.



  • filters.Document.FileExtension("jpg") filters files with extension ".jpg".

  • filters.Document.FileExtension(".jpg") filters files with extension "..jpg".

  • filters.Document.FileExtension("Dockerfile", case_sensitive=True) filters files with extension ".Dockerfile" minding the case.

  • filters.Document.FileExtension(None) filters files without a dot in the filename.


  • This Filter only filters by the file ending/extension of the document, it doesn’t check the validity of document.

  • The user can manipulate the file extension of a document and send media with wrong types that don’t fit to this handler.

  • Case insensitive by default, you may change this with the flag case_sensitive=True.

  • Extension should be passed without leading dot unless it’s a part of the extension.

  • Pass None to filter files with no extension, i.e. without a dot in the filename.

class MimeType(mimetype)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

This Filter filters documents by their mime-type attribute.


mimetype (str) – The mimetype to filter.


filters.Document.MimeType('audio/mpeg') filters all audio in .mp3 format.


This Filter only filters by the mime_type of the document, it doesn’t check the validity of document. The user can manipulate the mime-type of a message and send media with wrong types that don’t fit to this handler.

APK = filters.Document.MimeType('application/')[source]

Use as filters.Document.APK.

DOC = filters.Document.MimeType('application/msword')[source]

Use as filters.Document.DOC.

DOCX = filters.Document.MimeType('application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document')[source]

Use as filters.Document.DOCX.

EXE = filters.Document.MimeType('application/octet-stream')[source]

Use as filters.Document.EXE.

MP4 = filters.Document.MimeType('video/mp4')[source]

Use as filters.Document.MP4.

GIF = filters.Document.MimeType('image/gif')[source]

Use as filters.Document.GIF.

JPG = filters.Document.MimeType('image/jpeg')[source]

Use as filters.Document.JPG.

MP3 = filters.Document.MimeType('audio/mpeg')[source]

Use as filters.Document.MP3.

PDF = filters.Document.MimeType('application/pdf')[source]

Use as filters.Document.PDF.

PY = filters.Document.MimeType('text/x-python')[source]

Use as filters.Document.PY.

SVG = filters.Document.MimeType('image/svg+xml')[source]

Use as filters.Document.SVG.

TXT = filters.Document.MimeType('text/plain')[source]

Use as filters.Document.TXT.

TARGZ = filters.Document.MimeType('application/x-compressed-tar')[source]

Use as filters.Document.TARGZ.

WAV = filters.Document.MimeType('audio/x-wav')[source]

Use as filters.Document.WAV.

XML = filters.Document.MimeType('text/xml')[source]

Use as filters.Document.XML.

ZIP = filters.Document.MimeType('application/zip')[source]

Use as filters.Document.ZIP.

class telegram.ext.filters.Entity(entity_type)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters messages to only allow those which have a telegram.MessageEntity where their type matches entity_type.


MessageHandler(filters.Entity("hashtag"), callback_method)


entity_type (str) – Entity type to check for. All types can be found as constants in telegram.MessageEntity.

class telegram.ext.filters.ForwardedFrom(chat_id=None, username=None, allow_empty=False)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters messages to allow only those which are forwarded from the specified chat ID(s) or username(s) based on telegram.Message.forward_origin and in particular

Added in version 13.5.

Changed in version 20.8: Was previously based on telegram.Message.forward_from and telegram.Message.forward_from_chat.


MessageHandler(filters.ForwardedFrom(chat_id=1234), callback_method)


When a user has disallowed adding a link to their account while forwarding their messages, this filter will not work since telegram.Message.forward_origin will be of type telegram.MessageOriginHiddenUser. However, this behaviour is undocumented and might be changed by Telegram.


chat_ids will give a copy of the saved chat ids as frozenset. This is to ensure thread safety. To add/remove a chat, you should use add_chat_ids(), and remove_chat_ids(). Only update the entire set by filter.chat_ids = new_set, if you are entirely sure that it is not causing race conditions, as this will complete replace the current set of allowed chats.

  • chat_id (int | Collection[int], optional) – Which chat/user ID(s) to allow through.

  • username (str | Collection[str], optional) – Which username(s) to allow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

  • allow_empty (bool, optional) – Whether updates should be processed, if no chat is specified in chat_ids and usernames. Defaults to False.


Which chat/user ID(s) to allow through.




Whether updates should be processed, if no chat is specified in chat_ids and usernames.




RuntimeError – If both chat_id and username are present.


Add one or more chats to the allowed chat ids.


chat_id (int | Collection[int]) – Which chat/user ID(s) to allow through.


Remove one or more chats from allowed chat ids.


chat_id (int | Collection[int]) – Which chat/user ID(s) to disallow through.


Add one or more chats to the allowed usernames.


username (str | Collection[str]) – Which username(s) to allow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

property name[source]

Name for this filter.




Remove one or more chats from allowed usernames.


username (str | Collection[str]) – Which username(s) to disallow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

property usernames[source]

Which username(s) to allow through.


usernames will give a copy of the saved usernames as frozenset. This is to ensure thread safety. To add/remove a user, you should use add_usernames(), and remove_usernames(). Only update the entire set by filter.usernames = new_set, if you are entirely sure that it is not causing race conditions, as this will complete replace the current set of allowed users.



class telegram.ext.filters.Language(lang)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters messages to only allow those which are from users with a certain language code.


According to official Telegram Bot API documentation, not every single user has the language_code attribute. Do not count on this filter working on all users.


MessageHandler(filters.Language("en"), callback_method)


lang (str | Collection[str]) – Which language code(s) to allow through. This will be matched using str.startswith meaning that ‘en’ will match both ‘en_US’ and ‘en_GB’.

class telegram.ext.filters.Mention(mentions)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Messages containing mentions of specified users or chats.


MessageHandler(filters.Mention("username"), callback)
MessageHandler(filters.Mention(["@username", 123456]), callback)

Added in version 20.7.


mentions (int | str | telegram.User | Collection[int | str | telegram.User]) – Specifies the users and chats to filter for. Messages that do not mention at least one of the specified users or chats will not be handled. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

class telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter(name=None, data_filter=False)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.BaseFilter

Base class for all Message Filters. In contrast to UpdateFilter, the object passed to filter() is telegram.Update.effective_message.

Please see BaseFilter for details on how to create custom filters.

See also

Advanced Filters


Checks if the specified update should be handled by this filter by passing effective_message to filter().


update (telegram.Update) – The update to check.


If the update should be handled by this filter, returns True or a dict with lists, in case the filter is a data filter. If the update should not be handled by this filter, False or None.

Return type:

bool | Dict[str, list] | None

abstract filter(message)[source]

This method must be overwritten.


message (telegram.Message) – The message that is tested.


dict or bool

class telegram.ext.filters.Regex(pattern)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters updates by searching for an occurrence of pattern in the message text. The function is used to determine whether an update should be filtered.

Refer to the documentation of the re module for more information.

To get the groups and groupdict matched, see telegram.ext.CallbackContext.matches.


Use MessageHandler(filters.Regex(r'help'), callback) to capture all messages that contain the word ‘help’. You can also use MessageHandler(filters.Regex(re.compile(r'help', re.IGNORECASE)), callback) if you want your pattern to be case insensitive. This approach is recommended if you need to specify flags on your pattern.


Filters use the same short circuiting logic as python’s and, or and not. This means that for example:

>>> filters.Regex(r'(a?x)') | filters.Regex(r'(b?x)')

With a telegram.Message.text of x, will only ever return the matches for the first filter, since the second one is never evaluated.


pattern (str | re.Pattern) – The regex pattern.

class telegram.ext.filters.SenderChat(chat_id=None, username=None, allow_empty=False)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters messages to allow only those which are from a specified sender chat’s chat ID or username.


  • To filter for messages sent to a group by a channel with ID -1234, use MessageHandler(filters.SenderChat(-1234), callback_method).

  • To filter for messages of anonymous admins in a super group with username @anonymous, use MessageHandler(filters.SenderChat(username='anonymous'), callback_method).

  • To filter for messages sent to a group by any channel, use MessageHandler(filters.SenderChat.CHANNEL, callback_method).

  • To filter for messages of anonymous admins in any super group, use MessageHandler(filters.SenderChat.SUPERGROUP, callback_method).

  • To filter for messages forwarded to a discussion group from any channel or of anonymous admins in any super group, use MessageHandler(filters.SenderChat.ALL, callback)


Remember, sender_chat is also set for messages in a channel as the channel itself, so when your bot is an admin in a channel and the linked discussion group, you would receive the message twice (once from inside the channel, once inside the discussion group). Since v13.9, the field telegram.Message.is_automatic_forward will be True for the discussion group message.


chat_ids will return a copy of the saved chat ids as frozenset. This is to ensure thread safety. To add/remove a chat, you should use add_chat_ids(), and remove_chat_ids(). Only update the entire set by filter.chat_ids = new_set, if you are entirely sure that it is not causing race conditions, as this will complete replace the current set of allowed chats.

  • chat_id (int | Collection[int], optional) – Which sender chat chat ID(s) to allow through.

  • username (str | Collection[str], optional) – Which sender chat username(s) to allow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

  • allow_empty (bool, optional) – Whether updates should be processed, if no sender chat is specified in chat_ids and usernames. Defaults to False.


Which sender chat chat ID(s) to allow through.




Whether updates should be processed, if no sender chat is specified in chat_ids and usernames.




RuntimeError – If both chat_id and username are present.

ALL = filters.SenderChat.ALL[source]

All messages with a telegram.Message.sender_chat.

SUPER_GROUP = filters.SenderChat.SUPER_GROUP[source]

Messages whose sender chat is a super group.

CHANNEL = filters.SenderChat.CHANNEL[source]

Messages whose sender chat is a channel.


Add one or more sender chats to the allowed chat ids.


chat_id (int | Collection[int]) – Which sender chat ID(s) to allow through.


Remove one or more sender chats from allowed chat ids.


chat_id (int | Collection[int]) – Which sender chat ID(s) to disallow through.


Add one or more chats to the allowed usernames.


username (str | Collection[str]) – Which username(s) to allow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

property name[source]

Name for this filter.




Remove one or more chats from allowed usernames.


username (str | Collection[str]) – Which username(s) to disallow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

property usernames[source]

Which username(s) to allow through.


usernames will give a copy of the saved usernames as frozenset. This is to ensure thread safety. To add/remove a user, you should use add_usernames(), and remove_usernames(). Only update the entire set by filter.usernames = new_set, if you are entirely sure that it is not causing race conditions, as this will complete replace the current set of allowed users.



class telegram.ext.filters.StatusUpdate[source]

Bases: object

Subset for messages containing a status update.


Use these filters like: filters.StatusUpdate.NEW_CHAT_MEMBERS etc. Or use just filters.StatusUpdate.ALL for all status update messages.


filters.StatusUpdate itself is not a filter, but just a convenience namespace.

ALL = filters.StatusUpdate.ALL[source]

Messages that contain any of the below.


Messages that contain telegram.Message.chat_background_set.

CHAT_CREATED = filters.StatusUpdate.CHAT_CREATED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.group_chat_created, telegram.Message.supergroup_chat_created or telegram.Message.channel_chat_created.

CHAT_SHARED = filters.StatusUpdate.CHAT_SHARED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.chat_shared.

Added in version 20.1.


Messages that contain telegram.Message.connected_website.

DELETE_CHAT_PHOTO = filters.StatusUpdate.DELETE_CHAT_PHOTO[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.delete_chat_photo.

FORUM_TOPIC_CLOSED = filters.StatusUpdate.FORUM_TOPIC_CLOSED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.forum_topic_closed.

Added in version 20.0.


Messages that contain telegram.Message.forum_topic_created.

Added in version 20.0.

FORUM_TOPIC_EDITED = filters.StatusUpdate.FORUM_TOPIC_EDITED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.forum_topic_edited.

Added in version 20.0.


Messages that contain telegram.Message.forum_topic_reopened.

Added in version 20.0.


Messages that contain telegram.Message.general_forum_topic_hidden.

Added in version 20.0.


Messages that contain telegram.Message.general_forum_topic_unhidden.

Added in version 20.0.

GIVEAWAY_CREATED = filters.StatusUpdate.GIVEAWAY_CREATED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.giveaway_created.

Added in version 20.8.


Messages that contain telegram.Message.giveaway_completed. .. versionadded:: 20.8

LEFT_CHAT_MEMBER = filters.StatusUpdate.LEFT_CHAT_MEMBER[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.left_chat_member.


Messages that contain telegram.Message.message_auto_delete_timer_changed

Added in version 13.4.

MIGRATE = filters.StatusUpdate.MIGRATE[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.migrate_from_chat_id or telegram.Message.migrate_to_chat_id.

NEW_CHAT_MEMBERS = filters.StatusUpdate.NEW_CHAT_MEMBERS[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.new_chat_members.

NEW_CHAT_PHOTO = filters.StatusUpdate.NEW_CHAT_PHOTO[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.new_chat_photo.

NEW_CHAT_TITLE = filters.StatusUpdate.NEW_CHAT_TITLE[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.new_chat_title.

PINNED_MESSAGE = filters.StatusUpdate.PINNED_MESSAGE[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.pinned_message.


Messages that contain telegram.Message.proximity_alert_triggered.

REFUNDED_PAYMENT = filters.StatusUpdate.REFUNDED_PAYMENT[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.refunded_payment. .. versionadded:: 21.4

USER_SHARED = filters.StatusUpdate.USER_SHARED[source]

Messages that contain "user_shared" in telegram.TelegramObject.api_kwargs.


This will only catch the legacy user_shared field, not the new telegram.Message.users_shared attribute!

Changed in version 21.0: Now relies on telegram.TelegramObject.api_kwargs as the native attribute Message.user_shared was removed.

Added in version 20.1.

Deprecated since version 20.8: Use USERS_SHARED instead.

USERS_SHARED = filters.StatusUpdate.USERS_SHARED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.users_shared.

Added in version 20.8.

VIDEO_CHAT_ENDED = filters.StatusUpdate.VIDEO_CHAT_ENDED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.video_chat_ended.

Added in version 13.4.

Changed in version 20.0: This filter was formerly named VOICE_CHAT_ENDED


Messages that contain telegram.Message.video_chat_scheduled.

Added in version 13.5.

Changed in version 20.0: This filter was formerly named VOICE_CHAT_SCHEDULED

VIDEO_CHAT_STARTED = filters.StatusUpdate.VIDEO_CHAT_STARTED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.video_chat_started.

Added in version 13.4.

Changed in version 20.0: This filter was formerly named VOICE_CHAT_STARTED


Messages that contain telegram.Message.video_chat_participants_invited.

Added in version 13.4.

Changed in version 20.0: This filter was formerly named VOICE_CHAT_PARTICIPANTS_INVITED

WEB_APP_DATA = filters.StatusUpdate.WEB_APP_DATA[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.web_app_data.

Added in version 20.0.


Messages that contain telegram.Message.write_access_allowed.

Added in version 20.0.

class telegram.ext.filters.Sticker[source]

Bases: object

Filters messages which contain a sticker.


Use this filter like: filters.Sticker.VIDEO. Or, just use filters.Sticker.ALL for any type of sticker.


filters.Sticker itself is not a filter, but just a convenience namespace.

ALL = filters.Sticker.ALL[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.sticker.

ANIMATED = filters.Sticker.ANIMATED[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.sticker and is animated.

Added in version 20.0.

STATIC = filters.Sticker.STATIC[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.sticker and is a static sticker, i.e. does not contain telegram.Sticker.is_animated or telegram.Sticker.is_video.

Added in version 20.0.

VIDEO = filters.Sticker.VIDEO[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.sticker and is a video sticker.

Added in version 20.0.

PREMIUM = filters.Sticker.PREMIUM[source]

Messages that contain telegram.Message.sticker and have a premium animation.

Added in version 20.0.

class telegram.ext.filters.SuccessfulPayment(invoice_payloads=None)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Successful Payment Messages. If a list of invoice payloads is passed, it filters messages to only allow those whose invoice_payload is appearing in the given list.


MessageHandler(filters.SuccessfulPayment([‘Custom-Payload’]), callback_method)


invoice_payloads (List[str] | Tuple[str], optional) – Which invoice payloads to allow. Only exact matches are allowed. If not specified, will allow any invoice payload.

Added in version 20.8.

class telegram.ext.filters.Text(strings=None)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Text Messages. If a list of strings is passed, it filters messages to only allow those whose text is appearing in the given list.


A simple use case for passing a list is to allow only messages that were sent by a custom telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup:

buttons = ['Start', 'Settings', 'Back']
markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup.from_column(buttons)
MessageHandler(filters.Text(buttons), callback_method)


  • Dice messages don’t have text. If you want to filter either text or dice messages, use filters.TEXT | filters.Dice.ALL.

  • Messages containing a command are accepted by this filter. Use filters.TEXT & (~filters.COMMAND), if you want to filter only text messages without commands.


strings (List[str] | Tuple[str], optional) – Which messages to allow. Only exact matches are allowed. If not specified, will allow any text message.

class telegram.ext.filters.UpdateFilter(name=None, data_filter=False)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.BaseFilter

Base class for all Update Filters. In contrast to MessageFilter, the object passed to filter() is an instance of telegram.Update, which allows to create filters like telegram.ext.filters.UpdateType.EDITED_MESSAGE.

Please see telegram.ext.filters.BaseFilter for details on how to create custom filters.


Checks if the specified update should be handled by this filter.


update (telegram.Update) – The update to check.


If the update should be handled by this filter, returns True or a dict with lists, in case the filter is a data filter. If the update should not be handled by this filter, False or None.

Return type:

bool | Dict[str, list] | None

abstract filter(update)[source]

This method must be overwritten.


update (telegram.Update) – The update that is tested.


dict or bool.

class telegram.ext.filters.UpdateType[source]

Bases: object

Subset for filtering the type of update.


Use these filters like: filters.UpdateType.MESSAGE or filters.UpdateType.CHANNEL_POSTS etc.


filters.UpdateType itself is not a filter, but just a convenience namespace.

CHANNEL_POST = filters.UpdateType.CHANNEL_POST[source]

Updates with telegram.Update.channel_post.

CHANNEL_POSTS = filters.UpdateType.CHANNEL_POSTS[source]

Updates with either telegram.Update.channel_post or telegram.Update.edited_channel_post.

EDITED = filters.UpdateType.EDITED[source]

Updates with telegram.Update.edited_message, telegram.Update.edited_channel_post, or telegram.Update.edited_business_message.

Added in version 20.0.

Changed in version 21.1: Added telegram.Update.edited_business_message to the filter.


Updates with telegram.Update.edited_channel_post.

EDITED_MESSAGE = filters.UpdateType.EDITED_MESSAGE[source]

Updates with telegram.Update.edited_message.

MESSAGE = filters.UpdateType.MESSAGE[source]

Updates with telegram.Update.message.

MESSAGES = filters.UpdateType.MESSAGES[source]

Updates with either telegram.Update.message or telegram.Update.edited_message.


Updates with telegram.Update.business_message.

Added in version 21.1.


Updates with telegram.Update.edited_business_message.

Added in version 21.1.


Updates with either telegram.Update.business_message or telegram.Update.edited_business_message.

Added in version 21.1.

class telegram.ext.filters.User(user_id=None, username=None, allow_empty=False)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters messages to allow only those which are from specified user ID(s) or username(s).


MessageHandler(filters.User(1234), callback_method)

  • user_id (int | Collection[int], optional) – Which user ID(s) to allow through.

  • username (str | Collection[str], optional) – Which username(s) to allow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

  • allow_empty (bool, optional) – Whether updates should be processed, if no user is specified in user_ids and usernames. Defaults to False.


RuntimeError – If user_id and username are both present.


Whether updates should be processed, if no user is specified in user_ids and usernames.




Add one or more chats to the allowed usernames.


username (str | Collection[str]) – Which username(s) to allow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

property name[source]

Name for this filter.




Remove one or more chats from allowed usernames.


username (str | Collection[str]) – Which username(s) to disallow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

property usernames[source]

Which username(s) to allow through.


usernames will give a copy of the saved usernames as frozenset. This is to ensure thread safety. To add/remove a user, you should use add_usernames(), and remove_usernames(). Only update the entire set by filter.usernames = new_set, if you are entirely sure that it is not causing race conditions, as this will complete replace the current set of allowed users.



property user_ids[source]

Which user ID(s) to allow through.


user_ids will give a copy of the saved user ids as frozenset. This is to ensure thread safety. To add/remove a user, you should use add_user_ids(), and remove_user_ids(). Only update the entire set by filter.user_ids = new_set, if you are entirely sure that it is not causing race conditions, as this will complete replace the current set of allowed users.




Add one or more users to the allowed user ids.


user_id (int | Collection[int]) – Which user ID(s) to allow through.


Remove one or more users from allowed user ids.


user_id (int | Collection[int]) – Which user ID(s) to disallow through.

class telegram.ext.filters.ViaBot(bot_id=None, username=None, allow_empty=False)[source]

Bases: telegram.ext.filters.MessageFilter

Filters messages to allow only those which are from specified via_bot ID(s) or username(s).


MessageHandler(filters.ViaBot(1234), callback_method)

See also


  • bot_id (int | Collection[int], optional) – Which bot ID(s) to allow through.

  • username (str | Collection[str], optional) – Which username(s) to allow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

  • allow_empty (bool, optional) – Whether updates should be processed, if no user is specified in bot_ids and usernames. Defaults to False.


RuntimeError – If bot_id and username are both present.


Whether updates should be processed, if no bot is specified in bot_ids and usernames.




Add one or more chats to the allowed usernames.


username (str | Collection[str]) – Which username(s) to allow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

property name[source]

Name for this filter.




Remove one or more chats from allowed usernames.


username (str | Collection[str]) – Which username(s) to disallow through. Leading '@' s in usernames will be discarded.

property usernames[source]

Which username(s) to allow through.


usernames will give a copy of the saved usernames as frozenset. This is to ensure thread safety. To add/remove a user, you should use add_usernames(), and remove_usernames(). Only update the entire set by filter.usernames = new_set, if you are entirely sure that it is not causing race conditions, as this will complete replace the current set of allowed users.



property bot_ids[source]

Which bot ID(s) to allow through.


bot_ids will give a copy of the saved bot ids as frozenset. This is to ensure thread safety. To add/remove a bot, you should use add_bot_ids(), and remove_bot_ids(). Only update the entire set by filter.bot_ids = new_set, if you are entirely sure that it is not causing race conditions, as this will complete replace the current set of allowed bots.




Add one or more bots to the allowed bot ids.


bot_id (int | Collection[int]) – Which bot ID(s) to allow through.


Remove one or more bots from allowed bot ids.


bot_id (int | Collection[int], optional) – Which bot ID(s) to disallow through.