
class telegram.ext.ContextTypes(context=<class 'telegram.ext._callbackcontext.CallbackContext'>, bot_data=<class 'dict'>, chat_data=<class 'dict'>, user_data=<class 'dict'>)[source]

Bases: typing.Generic

Convenience class to gather customizable types of the telegram.ext.CallbackContext interface.


ContextTypes Bot

Added in version 13.6.


Shortcut for the type annotation for the context argument that’s correct for the default settings, i.e. if telegram.ext.ContextTypes is not used.


async def callback(update: Update, context: ContextTypes.DEFAULT_TYPE):

alias of CallbackContext[ExtBot[None], dict[Any, Any], dict[Any, Any], dict[Any, Any]]

property bot_data[source]

The type of context.bot_data of all (error-)handler callbacks and job callbacks.

property chat_data[source]

The type of context.chat_data of all (error-)handler callbacks and job callbacks.

property context[source]

The type of the context argument of all (error-)handler callbacks and job callbacks.

property user_data[source]

The type of context.user_data of all (error-)handler callbacks and job callbacks.