telegram package¶
Version Constants¶
A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
- telegram.__bot_api_version__ = '8.1'[source]¶
Shortcut for
.Changed in version 20.0: This constant was previously named
.- Type:
- telegram.__bot_api_version_info__ = (8, 1)[source]¶
Shortcut for
.Added in version 20.0.
- Type:
- telegram.__version__ = '21.9'[source]¶
The version of the python-telegram-bot library as string. To get detailed information about the version number, please use
instead.- Type:
- telegram.__version_info__ = (21, 9, 0, 'final', 0)[source]¶
A tuple containing the five components of the version number: major, minor, micro, releaselevel, and serial. All values except releaselevel are integers. The release level is
, or'final'
. The components can also be accessed by name, so__version_info__[0]
is equivalent to__version_info__.major
and so on.Added in version 20.0.
- Type:
Classes in this package¶
- Bot
- Available Types
- Animation
- Audio
- Birthdate
- BotCommand
- BotCommandScope
- BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators
- BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats
- BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats
- BotCommandScopeChat
- BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators
- BotCommandScopeChatMember
- BotCommandScopeDefault
- BotDescription
- BotName
- BotShortDescription
- BusinessConnection
- BusinessIntro
- BusinessLocation
- BusinessOpeningHours
- BusinessOpeningHoursInterval
- BusinessMessagesDeleted
- CallbackQuery
- Chat
- ChatAdministratorRights
- ChatBackground
- CopyTextButton
- BackgroundType
- BackgroundTypeFill
- BackgroundTypeWallpaper
- BackgroundTypePattern
- BackgroundTypeChatTheme
- BackgroundFill
- BackgroundFillSolid
- BackgroundFillGradient
- BackgroundFillFreeformGradient
- ChatBoost
- ChatBoostAdded
- ChatBoostRemoved
- ChatBoostSource
- ChatBoostSourceGiftCode
- ChatBoostSourceGiveaway
- ChatBoostSourcePremium
- ChatBoostUpdated
- ChatFullInfo
- ChatInviteLink
- ChatJoinRequest
- ChatLocation
- ChatMember
- ChatMemberAdministrator
- ChatMemberBanned
- ChatMemberLeft
- ChatMemberMember
- ChatMemberOwner
- ChatMemberRestricted
- ChatMemberUpdated
- ChatPermissions
- ChatPhoto
- ChatShared
- Contact
- Dice
- Document
- ExternalReplyInfo
- File
- ForceReply
- ForumTopic
- ForumTopicClosed
- ForumTopicCreated
- ForumTopicEdited
- ForumTopicReopened
- GeneralForumTopicHidden
- GeneralForumTopicUnhidden
- Giveaway
- GiveawayCompleted
- GiveawayCreated
- GiveawayWinners
- InaccessibleMessage
- InlineKeyboardButton
- InlineKeyboardMarkup
- InputFile
- InputMedia
- InputMediaAnimation
- InputMediaAudio
- InputMediaDocument
- InputMediaPhoto
- InputMediaVideo
- InputPaidMedia
- InputPaidMediaPhoto
- InputPaidMediaVideo
- InputPollOption
- KeyboardButton
- KeyboardButtonPollType
- KeyboardButtonRequestChat
- KeyboardButtonRequestUsers
- LinkPreviewOptions
- Location
- LoginUrl
- MaybeInaccessibleMessage
- MenuButton
- MenuButtonCommands
- MenuButtonDefault
- MenuButtonWebApp
- Message
- MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged
- MessageEntity
- MessageId
- MessageOrigin
- MessageOriginChannel
- MessageOriginChat
- MessageOriginHiddenUser
- MessageOriginUser
- MessageReactionCountUpdated
- MessageReactionUpdated
- PaidMedia
- PaidMediaInfo
- PaidMediaPhoto
- PaidMediaPreview
- PaidMediaPurchased
- PaidMediaVideo
- PhotoSize
- Poll
- PollAnswer
- PollOption
- ProximityAlertTriggered
- ReactionCount
- ReactionType
- ReactionTypeCustomEmoji
- ReactionTypeEmoji
- ReactionTypePaid
- ReplyKeyboardMarkup
- ReplyKeyboardRemove
- ReplyParameters
- SentWebAppMessage
- SharedUser
- Story
- SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat
- TelegramObject
- TextQuote
- Update
- User
- UserChatBoosts
- UserProfilePhotos
- UsersShared
- Venue
- Video
- VideoChatEnded
- VideoChatParticipantsInvited
- VideoChatScheduled
- VideoChatStarted
- VideoNote
- Voice
- WebAppData
- WebAppInfo
- WebhookInfo
- WriteAccessAllowed
- Stickers
- Inline Mode
- ChosenInlineResult
- InlineQuery
- InlineQueryResult
- InlineQueryResultArticle
- InlineQueryResultAudio
- InlineQueryResultCachedAudio
- InlineQueryResultCachedDocument
- InlineQueryResultCachedGif
- InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif
- InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto
- InlineQueryResultCachedSticker
- InlineQueryResultCachedVideo
- InlineQueryResultCachedVoice
- InlineQueryResultContact
- InlineQueryResultDocument
- InlineQueryResultGame
- InlineQueryResultGif
- InlineQueryResultLocation
- InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif
- InlineQueryResultPhoto
- InlineQueryResultsButton
- InlineQueryResultVenue
- InlineQueryResultVideo
- InlineQueryResultVoice
- InputMessageContent
- InputTextMessageContent
- InputLocationMessageContent
- InputVenueMessageContent
- InputContactMessageContent
- InputInvoiceMessageContent
- PreparedInlineMessage
- Payments
- AffiliateInfo
- Invoice
- LabeledPrice
- OrderInfo
- PreCheckoutQuery
- RefundedPayment
- RevenueWithdrawalState
- RevenueWithdrawalStateFailed
- RevenueWithdrawalStatePending
- RevenueWithdrawalStateSucceeded
- ShippingAddress
- ShippingOption
- ShippingQuery
- StarTransaction
- StarTransactions
- SuccessfulPayment
- TransactionPartner
- TransactionPartnerAffiliateProgram
- TransactionPartnerFragment
- TransactionPartnerOther
- TransactionPartnerTelegramAds
- TransactionPartnerTelegramApi
- TransactionPartnerUser
- Games
- Passport
- Credentials
- DataCredentials
- EncryptedCredentials
- EncryptedPassportElement
- FileCredentials
- IdDocumentData
- PassportData
- PassportElementError
- PassportElementErrorDataField
- PassportElementErrorFile
- PassportElementErrorFiles
- PassportElementErrorFrontSide
- PassportElementErrorReverseSide
- PassportElementErrorSelfie
- PassportElementErrorTranslationFile
- PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles
- PassportElementErrorUnspecified
- PassportFile
- PersonalDetails
- ResidentialAddress
- SecureData
- SecureValue